
A way of doing

Images for Clouds

Images for Clouds are an essential part to achieve autonomy, less dependencies and security.

Everything was move to a CD/CI mode, a full info can be found in LibreCloud Termas CD/CI.

Images are named in this context termas as a hidden treasure ...

Clouds Backups

Clouds Backups are key to survive in an ephimeral clusters world.

Implementation here is made using restic, is fast, efficient and secure. Backups are password protected and incremental.

Clouds Backup Roadmap

Clouds Backups Roadmap does not have many things to add.

Clouds Deployment

Clouds Deployment is what makes applications alive, updated and availables.

It has to consider several important parts: access, availability, network, storage, services, connections, etc.

Most of work here was done with templates and variables.

Implementation here is named mandala as a "cosmos representation of clouds universes".